Check Out Impacting Millions® + Over $7,000 in bonuses from me!

Sign up through me and get the best Impacting Millions bonuses I’ve ever offered

What is Impacting Millions?

IMPACTING MILLIONS teaches you how to connect with the media and land high-exposure opportunities, so you can get featured, published, and interviewed (so you can ultimately reach more people and impact more lives).

Because you’re not interested in playing small your entire life.

You’re interested in making a world-changing impact.


IMPACTING MILLIONS is right for you if…

  • You’re just getting started as a coach, consultant, service provider, or course creator. You feel lost in a sea of people doing work similar to yours… and you’re ready to stand out.
  • You’ve been in business for a few years, but you’re not getting the attention or clients you know your business deserves. (You know you’re amazing at what you do – you just need more people to know that, too.)
  • You’re an established 6-figure or multi-6 figure entrepreneur who dreams of writing books, being on television, or being seen as the top leader in your industry.

My Impacting Millions Bonuses:

1 Day Mastermind in LA: Legacy Launching – Behind the Scenes of a 7-figure Launch (Value: $2500)

The Impacting Millions 80/20 Publicity Accelerator to make sure you get the best results  (Value: $3000)

Custom branded graphics bundle
(Value: $1500)

Fast Action Bonus: Guaranteed publicity in a future summit (Value: Priceless)
(First 5 people, expires April 3 @ 11:59 PM ET)


1 Day Mastermind in LA: Legacy Launching

Behind the Scenes of a 7-figure Launch (Value: $2500)

Discover the behind-the-scenes strategy and secrets of the Impacting Millions 7-figure launch AND plan your own Legacy Launch. One that you can use time and time again…  

I’ve invited a few of my rockstar clients, Ron Reich, Laura Sprinkle and others to help! 

• As the Mastermind of Launching of Impacting Millions, Ron will uncover the strategy that made it a 7-figure launch.

• As the Partner Concierge of Impacting Millions, Laura will reveal the strategies to developing an amazing affiliate or referral program.

• As the Visual Creative Director for IM, I will show you the step by step visual campagin strategy that was developed.

We will  help you develop your own step-by-step Legacy Launch plan that will take your business to the next level and set you up for long-term success. Many other examples will be shared so we can help you uncover the perfect solution for your business, or uplevel your current launch strategy.    

You and an intimate group of high-achieving entrepreneurs will leave with more clarity, confidence, and connections to make a bigger impact on the world.

This event will take place on Thursday, Sept 17, the day before Impacting Millions LIVE (so I highly suggest you purchase a ticket to that as well). 

Along with rubbing elbows with amazing thought leaders, you will receive a branded headshot by an amazing photographer, and make new relationships that will last a lifetime.


The Impacting Millions 80/20 Publicity Accelerator to make sure you get the best results

What’s the biggest thing that prevents people from actually finishing and implementing life-changing courses? Time. 

I’ve put together an alternative schedule, because completing the course in 8 weeks (as suggested) is only possible if you put ALL of your time towards it. And NOBODY has time for that if they’re running a business.  For 90 days we will put the focus on your BRAND and then dive into publicity full force while building out your epic new website.

Then when  you pitch Forbes or your dream publication, you will be 100% confident knowing your brand is ON POINT. 

On top of that, my team  has gone through the ENTIRE IMPACTING MILLIONS course and pulled out the must-know pieces that’ll help you fast-track your progress. Cliff notes and action plan – IN YOUR HANDS. 


Instead of clicking around aimlessly trying to figure out where to go for what, just hop into the Cliff Notes, find exactly what you’re looking for, and then dive deeper into IM from there. 

See ya, overwhelm!

In addition to the strategy and accountability, you will receive:

  • Quarterly group laser coaching, goal setting and accountability for the year
  • My strategy that got me over 200K views on Forbes
  • Guest experts who will provide epic value by sharing their publicity strategies

Custom branded graphics bundle (Value: $1500)

My team will create a fully custom branded graphics for you, including: 

  • Media Kit: speaker one sheet, media bio one sheet  
    Add these to your website for credibility and send with your pitches to STAND OUT!  
  • Viral social media templates (FB and IG) – use these to spread your message further!

Fast Action Bonus: Guaranteed Publicity
(expires April 3 @ 11:59 PM ET)

Kick-Start or add to your impact immediately with a guaranteed spot to share your genius in one of my famous summits. Instant audience and credibility and an awesome bump to your email list!


Oprah Magazine said YESSSSSSSS to me! One of my dreams come true. I shared a story about the best gift I’ve ever gotten and they love it. My life is amazing.

Thank you Selena Soo for this course, the encouragement, and these opportunities.

Tepsii Thendo Lufuno Tshikorokoro

I had been thinking about writing about this topic for almost a year now. When the Manchester City bombing occurred (followed by other attacks around the world) I knew I needed to get this idea out there SOON. I knew it could help people, and that now was a good time to get the message out there. Fortunately, thanks to Selena, this course, and this group, I knew exactly what channels to go to to get published! Today I woke up with my first Elephant Journal post! Very excited to share it with you all.

Jeremy Lipkowitz

Thank you Selena and Lynya! Your mentorship has been invaluable in getting Accountability Works featured in both Fast Company and Business Insider! Marissa and I could not be more thrilled or grateful!

Ali Schiller

When I started Impacting Millions last April, one of my goals was to get into Business Insider by the end of the year. But I did it in October! I was featured with 5 others in an article that is 100% my area of expertise.

Anne Marie Fowler


I am a proud partner of the Impacting Millions program. If you enroll through my link, I will receive a commission which means I can provide you with extra bonuses to make your experience even better! I only promote people and programs that I stand behind 100% and that I know will help you create real results in your business.